intentional lifestyle


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From my own personal life experiences to educational resources on self-care and wellness, healthy recipes and more, these blog posts will guide you towards an intentional lifestyle full of joy. Grab your favorite cozy beverage, light your favorite candle and dive into these holistic self-care, wellness and stress management resources. Enjoy!



Understanding and Balancing Your Stress

If you're anything like me, you've spent a lifetime being hard on yourself for feeling so stressed out by day-to-day life, asking yourself, why is this so hard for me? Why does everyone else seem to be handling this better? What am I doing wrong? If you’re ready to stop being at the mercy of your stress and empower yourself to bring your stress response down, this blog post is for you!


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Allison Richard Allison Richard

Choose everyday love

When it comes to love, I prefer the small, simple and unexpected moments everyday over one big, grand sweeping gesture on occasion…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

I’m turning 43!!

This week is birthday week!! One of my friends (who also had a birthday this week) reflected on what a blessing it is to get older. To have the privilege to age another year, a privilege many people don’t get…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

Advice from my 100-year old grandmother

As a young child, my sister and I would spend nights at our Michigan “grandmother’s” house. During one of these visits, I didn’t sleep well because I heard a noise in the middle of the night. The next morning when I told my grandmother, she offered this advice…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

What is your definition of happiness?

In the past week I’ve heard multiple times “I’m so happy for you!” from very loving and well-meaning friends. It made me question, what is my definition of happiness…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

2023 Reflections: 3 important questions to wrap up your year

If we want to ensure we’re focusing our time and energy in 2024 on the things that are meaningful to us, the things that nourish and fulfill us, the things that move our lives in the directions we want to go, it helps to reflect on where we’ve been…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

How to relieve holiday stress

Every year my December has a specific rhythm. Of all times of the year, I know that my self care practices need to be extra intentional, planned and on point so that I can…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

The surprising reason you overthink

It’s easy to feel frustrated at yourself for overthinking and judging yourself for it, but that will only send you deeper down the spiral of processing. Overthinking has a purpose…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

My conversion story

Five months ago, almost to the day, I became Jewish.  As I’ve struggled to process the  incomprehensible horror and acts of violence by terrorists in Israel, it feels like the right moment to publicly share my conversion story as well as some anti-anxiety tips to help get through this time…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

What are your mirror neurons?

The ability to be influenced emotionally by something outside of ourselves happens because of our mirror neurons. I’m sure you’ve experienced this before. Feeling depressed after watching something sad. Feeling jumpy after watching…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

Always feel like you’re waiting for the next shoe to drop?

Often the emotions that we’re feeling in a current situation actually have more to do with past hurts and emotional triggers than what’s presently going on. So if we only focus on the surface issues in the present moment, we might be missing an opportunity to…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

Need a morning pick me up?

Whether it’s allergies making you tired, lack of daylight, a poor night’s sleep or any other reason you might be struggling to get out of bed, there is a lot you can do to support your body’s natural processes in the morning and help yourself feel even just a little bit better… 

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

3 common mistakes that sabotage your routine

Changing our routine sounds simple (just do it), but there are a lot of mistakes I see clients making when it comes to their day-to-day planning and creating schedules that work… 

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

What is the 5th season?

We’re now in that space between Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer, and the fall equinox, the official end of summer. While it may be tempting to rush into your fall routine and those end of year goals, it’s important to honor the current transition for optimal vitality and mental well-being…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

This Barbie has all the feels

I know. I know. I’m late to the Barbie party. I actually saw the movie a couple weeks ago, but wanted to relish in it a bit and give myself space to process. It definitely brought up all the feels…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

Keeping promises to myself

Several months ago I received an email invite, entitled “Cocktails & Conversation”.The invite was to an event in the Hamptons with special guest…

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

3 reasons you might have neck pain

Due to our reliance on technology both personally and professionally, many of us spend most of our days in what’s called forward head posture. This means that

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Allison Richard Allison Richard

5 tips for intentional drinking

I like to joke that it’s no coincidence that International Self-Care Day, which was this past Monday, July 24, and National Tequila Day happen to fall on the same day… 

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Are you feeling stressed, tired, and like you’re often a few steps away from being on top of things? We’ve all been there - and I have just the thing for you! Join my weekly wellness newsletter and as a thank you, you’ll receive my guide on 3 Ways to Relieve Stress in Under 30 Seconds!


empowered living
