My favorite superstar summer self care practice (and it’s easy!)

I had such a fantastic Fourth of July long weekend and hope you did too!  Mine involved going out to Montauk, lounging by the pool, lots of oceanside dining and sunsets, beachside hikes, impromptu get togethers with friends and watching fireworks from a boat.

It was the type of trip I’ve been wanting to take for years and was so thrilled to be experiencing the manifestation of it!

The end of the holiday weekend signaled a shift for me in two different ways.

1. Mid-late Summer Energy: the late spring/early summertime of May and June, are often busy with schools winding down and starting to celebrate the beginning of summer. 4th of July through Labor Day, at least in NYC, is the time when many people vacation and truly focus on embracing their personal best version of summer. For me right now that looks like a lot of quiet time relaxing and connecting with my intuition and listening to my higher self interspersed by time spent with my favorite people.

2. Summer Self Care: the heat and humidity of deep summer are officially here to stay for a while. And that means specific self care for hydration, physical swelling and staying cool with practices that will also keep my energy levels where I want them. 

One of my favorite summer self care practices is Legs Up the Wall. 

This practice truly does multitask, which is part of why I love it! It helps reduce swelling in the legs and feet, a common symptom at this hot and humid time of year, it turns on your relaxation response, which can help you sleep better and overall supports the body in feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Join me for a 15-Minute Legs Up the Wall Sequence


A 5-minute energetic reboot for your nervous system


Mid-year reflection + introspection journal prompts