How to boost your courage

In Latin, the word cor means heart. In Old French, the heart (as the seat of emotions) is called corage.

Corage has evolved into the spelling of courage we know today and the definition has evolved to include ideas like valor and bravery and describes someone’s mind as well as their heart. 

According to Martin Seligman, the Founder of Positive Psychology, one of the 3 types of happiness comes through the Embodiment of 24 Strengths + 6 Virtues. One of those virtues is Courage.

To be human is to experience hard things at some point in our life. And what’s even harder is to KNOW we’ll experience hard things, but not know what those hard things will be (and it’s almost never what we think).

Simply living life takes courage.

To be vulnerable takes courage. 
To fully accept ourselves takes courage
To love what death can touch takes courage. 
To heal takes courage.
To feel pain takes courage.
To forgive takes courage.
To be open-hearted takes courage.
To be authentic takes courage.
To change takes courage.
To dream takes courage.
To act takes courage.

I don’t think we truly appreciate just how much courage some of the everyday moments in life take. So as we round out February and talking about the heart, I acknowledge you for all the small acts of courage you take.

Every. Single Day.
Some days more than others.

Feel like you could use a burst of courage? 

Join me for this 10 Minute Tapping Practice to Increase Courage

 10 Minute Tapping Practice to Increase Courage

What will more courage help you with in your life today?


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