Are you happy?

I am happy.

Like “excited about the day, on a cellular level, people wonder what’s going on with me”, kind of happy. 💃🏻👏

A few weeks ago, I mentioned the self check-in on my Insight Timer app that I do (almost) every morning before I meditate. It gives a few emotional options I can select to clarify what’s contributing to my overall well-being for the day.

Am I feeling calm? Relaxed? Happy? Blessed? 

Over time I began to notice that I never picked “Happy”. It wasn’t that I was unhappy, but it felt more like a feeling of contentment. 

I didn’t feel the happiness in my bones... yet

But recently as I went through my check-in process I realized I could answer yes to that question.

I was happy. I did feel it in my bones.

Maybe it’s the shifting of Saturn that we talked about last week. 

Maybe it’s the switch to Daylight Saving Time and getting more light in the evenings. 

Maybe it’s the upcoming Spring Equinox and the promise of freedom, rebirth and renewal that comes with it. 

Whatever the trigger is, I’m not going to question it (but I did pause for a moment before I started writing to reassure myself that I wouldn’t be jinxing it by talking about it ). 

Instead of waiting in fearful anticipation for the next ebb of emotions that will inevitable come at some point, I’m going to embrace this moment, celebrate it and share it. 

As humans, our brains tend toward the negative, so we often become very accustomed to bonding with one another by sharing our complaints, frustrations, or the things that are detracting from our happiness, to the point that it often feels like we’re boasting or bragging if we talk about how well things are going in our lives or accomplishments we’ve experienced. 

We worry that the goodness or blessing in our lives will make someone else feel bad if they’re not currently experiencing the same happiness we are. 

But that’s not how energy works. ⚡️

Higher vibrational frequency emotions, like happiness, have the ability to raise lower vibrational frequency emotions, like sadness.

And because they are vibrating at such a fast frequency, they always have more power to shift the energy than the lower emotions which vibrate on a much slower frequency.

Any concern, guilt or shame we feel for experiencing the good in our lives or jealousy and anger we experience at not having what someone else has are simply stories the survival part of our brain is telling us and the reason these stories/feelings don’t feel good is because they’re not true!

So I share my happiness today to uplift you. 

I hope you can feel my smiles, exuberant joy, and childlike excitement even through email and that it brings a smile to your face because I want you to feel as happy as I do!

In truth, I spent much of the fall and winter doing a lot of inner and personal work to get to the happy place where I am now. 

If you’d like me to share more details of my journey in the coming weeks hit reply and let me know and I’ll be sure to discuss!

At any point in time there will always be people who are experiencing highs and those who are experiencing lows. 

When we are in a high point we have more to give and it’s our responsibility to help support those who are experiencing lows. Because one day, the tide will turn and we will be the one who needs that support and uplifting. 

And when we are in a low point, it is our responsibility to accept the support of others. Because giving to others is a gift and saying no to support is rejecting that gift. 

If you are currently in a high point, I celebrate with you and would love to hear about it. 

And if you are in a low point, I hope you will accept the support you need. 

If you are in need of some uplifting, click below for {Part 2} of Tools to Support Emotional Well-Being: Processing Sadness, to go through a quick tapping routine with me.


10 tips to tap into masculine + feminine energy


Do you have a dysregulated nervous system?