Are you experiencing these “5th Season” symptoms?

Have you noticed the subtle changes to the season lately?

There is an added feeling of dampness. 

The light is shifting. 

The air smells different. 

The plants and trees are getting ready to release their leaves and flowers. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this late summer time of year is called The 5th Season. In the northern hemisphere, it begins around the middle of August and lasts until the fall equinox in late September. 

It's a time of transition from the Yang energies of Spring and Summer to the Yin energies of Fall and Winter. 


How might this look in your life? 

Think bright and light fare vs. warm, comforting dishes. 

Flowy, breezy shirts vs. chunky, cozy sweaters. 

Long sunny days vs. cool early nights. 


According to TCM, each season has its own unique energy and characteristics that influence our body, mind, and spirit. 


You might be experiencing: 

  • A desire for more ease and simplicity

  • Tension or sinus headaches 

  • Anxiety 

  • Insomnia 

  • Constipation 

  • Physical or emotional exhaustion (not enough gas in the tank)

  • Holding onto something you’re ready to let go of 

  • Congestion or allergies 


Since this time is specifically a gradual transition between two polar energies, understanding these seasonal energies gives us the power to be able to adapt and support our internal systems to flow with ease through this transition. 


Click below for an 8-Minute routine to release tension, let go and find more flow now..

I would love to hear how it goes for you!

8-Minute routine to release tension, let go and find more flow

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